Healy Rae Brothers defend expenses claims of almost €100,000

4 Aug

The Healy Rae brothers are defending one hundred thousand euro in expenses they claimed from Kerry County council. An Irish Independent investigation reveals Danny and Michael Healy-Rae, were paid a total of €196,000 for 2008/2009.

The figures make the brothers two of the top earners among the country’s 883 county and city councillors — who were paid a total of €75.6 million euro over the two years. This time period includes a number of months of Michael Healy Rae’s reign as Mayor of Kerry.

Michael Healy Rae admits the spending was high but defends it by saying a Kerry mayor wouldn’t be doing his job properly if he didn’t travel across the country. He added that the figures are misrepresented, and are three years of claims bunched together.

via Radio Kerry News

One Response to “Healy Rae Brothers defend expenses claims of almost €100,000”

  1. Danny August 12, 2010 at 13:35 #

    The Healy Raes aren’t to blame, it is the people that vote for them that are fault. Is it any wonder that Kerry has to ship so many of it’s young abroad like Cattle. The men and women of 1916-1923 must be spinning in their graves

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